What’s a day in the life of a Guest Services Expert look like?
Every day is different! Our Guest Service Experts handle all of our first and last interactions with every one of our guests from answering the phones and greeting guests, all the way through to cashing out our guests. They love to make the guest’s day by offering additional services and retail, as well as gift cards or packages! They understand they are the glue of the salon and spa, managing many things from scheduling reservations to laundry or cleaning and everything in between! They are multitasking magicians and can handle many things happening at one time with amazing guest service. They love to set and reach goals, both individually and as a team! Lastly, our Guest Service Experts dress to the nine’s with hair and makeup knowing they are the first face of Zoi'A!
Does this sound like you? We’d love to chat! Apply now, and our Guest Services Manager will be in touch!
Join our Guest Services team!
How many of these can you check off this list?
Enjoy the Spa & Salon Industry?
Love to make Someone's day?
Find it easy to Engage in Conversation?
Multi-tasking Expert?
Comfortable with In Person & Phone Communication?
Helping people Relax makes you Happy?
Take Pride in Organization & Cleanliness?
Setting Goals & Achieving them is Rewarding!
Using Technology at work is not new to me.
Offering Helpful Solutions is not a problem for me.
Attention to Detail is Important to me.
It's easier to SMILE than frown.
Upgrading a Guests Experience sounds Luxurious!
Learning about Treatments and Products Intrigues me!
I Enjoy a Challenge & Friendly Competition.
I'm 100% a Team Player!